Nah ini katanya buat persiapan UTS.
1. any device internal to the computer, such as a primary hard disk drive or motherboard.
Answer: componen
2. an electronic, digital device that stores and processes information
Answer computer
3. a software program which allows a user to perform specific tasks such as word processing, email, accounting, database management
Answer: application
4. any program designed to run on a computer
Answer: software
5. an external computer add-on, such as a printer or a scanner; also known as an 'accessory'
Answer: peripheral
6. a group of connected computers which share resources
Answer: network
7. physical things that make up a computer, such as a component or a peripheral
Answer: hardware
8. literally meaning 'that which is given', this term refers to raw information of any kind
Answer: data
9. an input device having a number of keys relating to a Natural Language, such as English, or Greek
Answer: keyboard
10. the largest known public network in the world, connecting millions of computers around the world
Answer: Internet
11. an organized, electronic collection of information optimized for fast access and typically consisting rows, columns, indexes, and keys
Answer: database
hm,,, katanya mah ada 30 soal tapi bolak-balik ngerjain soalnya yang keluar itu-itu aja.
klo untuk soal multiple choice , di balik . contohnya :
1. What is the best definition of 'Internet'?
A. A relatively fast and convenient computer technology allowing the connection of many peripherals such as digital cameras, scanners, external hard drives, etc; this is a much faster replacement for the old serial bus technology
B. the largest known public network in the world, connecting millions of computers around the world
C. an 8-bit binary code used to represent standard American English numbers and letters
Jawaban nya B (kebalikan no. 10 tentang pengertian Internet)
Nah untuk Essay saya kasih beberpa pilihan jawaban . hapalin yang paling mudah aja iaa..
soalnya katanya kriteria nilainya :
1 kalimat = 5 point
1 paragraf = 15 point
2 paragraf = 30 point
3 paragraf = 35 point
4 paragrah = 40 point
Pertanyaan nya : " why do we need to learn English ?"
nah ini daftar nya :
1. To get Friend
If you can speak English, then you can talk to more than 1.5 billion people around the world. That's not a little number of friends of course! One out of every four people in the world speak at least some English, and the number of learning continues to grow. For example, in China alone, the number of people who learn English have surpassed the total population of the United States. When you master English, you can chat online, write letters and travel around the world - using one language!
2. Accelerate your career advancement
Most international business is conducted in English. If you want a managerial positions in multinational companies, most likely you will be required to speak English. A number of prestigious companies now even set a minimum IELTS or TOEFL for potential job applicants. And again, English is not only important for business people. World of technology, aviation, tourism and diplomatic depend closely on the English language.
3. For travel to other contry
English is the official language or at least have a special status in 75 countries and is used in over 100 countries. English is the international language for business, sports, academic, science, technology, advertising and diplomatic. Master the English and you can go anywhere, do anything!
4. Open the window wider world
Many books, magazines and newspapers are only available in English. Many foreign-language books are translated only into English. If you can read English, you will have the option of reading a much more diverse, as it is with movies.
5. Conquer Internet
You might think that many sites are translated into Indonesian. But in fact, 80% of electronic information is only available in English. While 20% of the others was not entirely dominated by Indonesian, but also non-English foreign language, like Chinese, Japanese, French and so forth. So imagine just how many percent of all information on the Internet are presented in the Indonesian language.
Researchers and scientists around the world communicate with each other in English. Scientific conference held in English and research results are also published in English language journals. More than two-thirds of scientists around the world to read in English.
7. Pursue opportunities abroad
There are thousands of programs to learn, work and volunteer around the world, but almost entirely only offered to those who master the English language. A world full of opportunity open when you speak English.
8. English is a universal language. The world has changed. We can no longer live alone in our country anymore. If you want to learn the world you need to learn english....
With IT, we can open ourselves to the world and the only way we can connect to the world is to the unviersal language.
If you are a business man you would have to learn english to expand your business to oversea.
If you are a students you would have to learn english for your own bright future or, at least, pass the exam.
If you are an employee you would have to learn english for the benefit of your career.
Even if you are just a street walker you still want to learn english to understand what's going on in the world....
Semoga membantu dan selamat belajar !!!
sumber soal (klo mau coba ngerjain sendiri ke sini aja , tapi register dulu iia )
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