
Pengertian variable lokal,global,daftar parameter, fungsi dan procedure

Tugas Ke 2 algoritma ....

Pengertian variable lokal dan global
(1) Variabel lokal: adalah variabel yang hanya aktif dalam suatu fungsi atau subroutine di dalam visual basic. Caranya dituliskan secara langsu di dalam suatu fungsi satu subroutine tanpa pendefinisian atau dengan definisi variabel di dalam fungsi.
(2) Variabel global dalam form: adalah variabel yang aktif selam satu form berjalan, bila pindah ke form yag lain maka variabel ini tidak aktif. Ini dapat dilakukan dengan mendefinisikan variabel di luar subroutine, biasanya diletakkan pada baris paling atas dari suatu form. Contohnya Dim a as integer diletakkan pada baris paling atas, maka variabel a selalu aktif selama form aktif.
(3) Variabel global dalam aplikasi: adalah variabel yang aktif selama aplikasi masih aktif. Variabel ini masih aktif meskipun form yang berjalan sudah berganti. Untuk mendefinisikan variabel ini dilakukan dengan menambahkan modul dan pendefinisian dengan global.

baca sumber lengkap pada badaiardiat.blogspot.com

Pengertian parameter :
Parameter adalah data masukan untuk subprogram yang nantinya akan diproses lebih lanjut dalam subprogram tersebut. Dalam Pascal, dikenal dua macam parameter yaitu :

1) Parameter nilai (value parameter), dan

2) Parameter referensi (reference parameter).

baca sumber lengkap erikgundar.wordpress.com

pengertian fungsi :

Fungsi adalah subprogram yang menerima masukan dan mempunyai keluaran secara langsung. Cara mendeklarasikan sebuah fungsi adalah sebagai berikut :

function B : integer; { nama fungsi adalah B dengan }

begin { tipe data keluaran adalah integer }

{ statement }

B := 3; { nilai yang dikeluarkan fungsi }


baca sumber lengkap erikgundar.wordpress.com

Procedure dan daftar parameter :

Prosedur adalah subprogram yang menerima masukan tetapi tidak mempunyai keluaran secara langsung. Cara mendeklarasikan sebuah prosedur adalah sebagai berikut :

procedure A; { nama prosedur adalah A }


{ statement }


Pendeklarasian prosedur di atas adalah untuk prosedur yang tidak memerlukan parameter. Parameter adalah data masukan untuk subprogram yang nantinya akan diproses lebih lanjut dalam subprogram tersebut. Dalam Pascal, dikenal dua macam parameter yaitu :

1) Parameter nilai (value parameter), dan

2) Parameter referensi (reference parameter).

Cara mendeklarasikan parameter tersebut adalah sebagai berikut :

procedure B(X : integer; var Y : integer);

baca sumber lengkap erikgundar.wordpress.com


Pengodean character Data

Character Data Beberapa aplikasi menggunakan data yang bukan hanya bilangan tetapi juga huruf dari alfabet dan karakter khusus lainnya. Data semacam ini disebut dengan data alfanumerik dan mungkin dapat ditunjukkan dengan kode numerik. Jika bilangan-bilangan dimasukkan dalam data, maka bilangan-bilangan tersebut juga dapat ditunjukkan dengan kode khusus.
Set karakter alfanumerik secara khusus mencakup 26 huruf alfabet (termasuk huruf besar dan huruf kecil), angka dalam digit sepuluh desimal, dan sejumlah simbol seperti +, =, *, $, …, dan !. Dua kode alfabet yang paling umum dipakai adalah ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange) dan EBCDIC (Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code). ASCII merupakan kode 7-bit dan EBCDIC berupa kode 8- bit. Jika suatu komputer menangani 8-bit (1-byte) kode lebih efisien, versi 8-bit, disebut dengan ASCII-8 juga telah dikembangkan. Selain itu ada juga beberapa kode spesial didalam penambahan set karakter alfanumerik. Kode simpanan ini digunakan sebagai signal komunikasi dalam aplikasi dimana data transfer terjadi antara komputer yang dihubungkan melalui baris komunikasi. Misalnya, LF (line feed) dan CR (carriage return) dihubungkan dengan printer, BEL digunakan untuk mengaktifitaskan bell; ACK (acknowledge), NAK (negative acknowledge), dan DLE (data link escape) berupa signal yang dapat diubah dalam baris komunikasi.
Bagi yang sudah cukup lama berkecimpung di dunia komputer, pasti pernah bekerja dengan ‘kode ASCII’. Dan bagi yang bekerja dengan mesin-mesin mainframe IBM, pasti pernah menjumpai ‘kode EBCDIC’ (dibaca: eb-si-dik). Di luar ASCII dan EBCDIC, besar kemungkinan anda paling tidak pernah mendengar istilah-istilah lain seperti berikut ini: ISO-8859-1, UCS-2, UTF-8, UTF-16, atau windows-1252. Kode-kode apakah itu? ASCII, EBCDIC, ISO-8859-x, UCS-2, UTF-x, dan windows-x merupakan sebagian dari kumpulan character set (set karakter) yang ada di dunia komputer. Sistim Binary Coded Decimal (BCD): Sebelum ASCII dan EBCDIC berkembang terlebih dahulu dikembangkan Binary Coded Decimal (BCD). Metode ini awalnya digunakan pada komputer mainframe IBM. Pada grup ini karakter diwakili oleh 64 - ( 26) lambang. Dengan kode ini, setiap huruf/angka diberikan kode yang terdiri dari enam bit, dua untuk zone dan empat untuk angka. Huruf A sampai dengan I diberikan tanda 11 pada tempat zone. Karena A adalah huruf pertama dalam kelompok ini, maka kodenya adalah: 0001, B sebagai huruf kedua dengan kode: 0010, C adalah 0011 dan seterusnya. Dengan perkataan lain, zone bit yang mempunyai formasi 11 harus juga disertakan pada kode lengkap masing-masing pada grup ini. Grup alfabetik kedua adalah J hingga R, ditetapkan kode awalnya 10, yang juga posisi masingmasing huruf ditentukan oleh angkanya masing-masing. Huruf S hingga Z dibentuk dengan menambahkan angka bit 0010 hingga 1001 berurutan pada kode 01 dimana pada grup ini hanya ada delapan huruf. Angka-angka 0 hingga sembilan diberikan kode 00 di depannya diikuti oleh angka itu sendiri dalam sistim binary. Angka 0 (nol) harus dibedakan dengan tanda kosong (spasi) guna mempermudah cara penggunaan kode.
Sistim Extended Binary Coded Decimal Interchange Code (EBCDIC): EBCDIC merupakan set karakter yang merupakan ciptaan dari IBM. Salah satu penyebab IBM menggunakan set karakter di luar ASCII sebagai standar pada komputer ciptaan IBM adalah karena EBCDIC lebih mudah dikodekan pada punch card yang pada tahun 1960-an masih jamak digunakan. Penggunaan EBCDIC pada mainframe IBM masih terbawa hingga saat ini, walaupun punch card sudah tidak digunakan lagi. Seperti halnya ASCII, EBCDIC juga terdiri dari 128 karakter yang masing-masing berukuran 7-bit. Bila menggunakan ukuran 8-bit maka karakternya menjadi 256 – (28). Hampir semua karakter pada ASCII juga terdapat pada set karakter EBCDIC.

Sistim American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII): ASCII dan EBCDIC merupakan cikal bakal dari set karakter lainnya. ASCII merupakan set karakter yang paling umum digunakan hingga sekarang. Set karakter ASCII terdiri dari 128 – (27) buah karakter yang masing-masing memiliki lebar 7-bit atau gabungan tujuh angka 0 dan 1, dari 0000000 sampai dengan 1111111. Mengapa 7-bit? Karena komputer pada awalnya memiliki ukuran memori yang sangat terbatas, dan 128 karakter dianggap memadai untuk menampung semua huruf Latin dengan tanda bacanya, dan beberapa karakter kontrol. ASCII telah dibakukan oleh ANSI (American National Standards Institute) menjadi standar ANSI X3.4-1986.
Adapun kode-kode pada sistim-sistim tersebut di atas dapat dilihat pada tabel di bawah ini:

Sumber : gieonline.blogspot.com


Tugas Komunikasi Data

Pengertian Komunikasi data

komunikasi data adalah proses pengiriman dan penerimaan data/informasi dari dua atau lebih device (alat,seperti komputer/laptop/printer/dan alat komunikasi lain)yang terhubung dalam sebuah jaringan. Baik lokal maupun yang luas, seperti internet

Secara umum ada dua jenis komunikasi data, yaitu:

Melalui Infrastruktur Terestial
Menggunakan media kabel dan nirkabel sebagai aksesnya. Membutuhkan biaya yang tinggi untuk membangun infrastruktur jenis ini. Beberapa layanan yang termasuk teresterial antara lain: Sambungan Data Langsung (SDL),Frame Relay, VPN Multiservice dan Sambungan Komunikasi Data Paket (SKDP).
Melalui Satelit
Menggunakan satelit sebagai aksesnya. Biasanya wilayah yang dicakup akses satelit lebih luas dan mampu menjangkau lokasi yang tidak memungkinkan dibangunnya infrastruktur terestrial namun membutuhkan waktu yang lama untuk berlangsungnya proses komunikasi. Kelemahan lain dari komunikasi via satelit adalah adanya gangguan yang disebabkan oleh radiasi gelombang matahari (Sun Outage) dan yang paling parah terjadi setiap 11 tahun sekali.
Sumber : Wikipedia

Sedangkan Menurut Faisal Akib dalam Blognya

Komunikasi data merupakan transmisi data elektronik melalui sebuah media. Media tersebut dapat berupa kabel tembaga, fiber optic, radio frequency dan micro wave (gelombang mikro) dan sebagainya (dibahas pada komponen jaringan). Sistem yang memungkinkan terjadinya transmisi data seringkali disebut jaringan komunikasi data.

Gambar Komunikasi data sederhana :

di Posting oleh faisal akib.
lebih lengkapnya dapat dilihat Di sini

Tugas Algoritma Teori Pengertian PRogram aRray

Pengertian Array

Array (larik) merupakan tipe data tersetruktur dimana didalamnya terdiri dari komponen – komponen yang mempunyai tipe data yang sama. Didalam suatu array jumlah komponen banyaknya adalah tetap. Didalam suatu larik atau array setiap kompoenen ditunjukan oleh suatu index yang unik. Index dari setiap komponen array menunjukan urutan data atau identitas yang mewakili data yang ada didalamnya.
Logika sederhananya array itu bisa disamakan dengan dua orang dengan nama yang sama didalam suatu komunitas, untuk membedakan antara nama yang satu atau dengan nama yang lain maka diberikan initial tambahan untuk setiap nama.

Deklarasi Array

Didalam penulisan bahasa pemograman setiap penggunaan array harus dideklarsikan terlebih dahulu. Pendeklarasian array diawali dengan nama variabel array diikuti dengan indeks array yang dituliskan didalam tanda “[]” , diikuti dengan kata cadangan of dan tipe data yang dibutuhkan.

Bentuk Umum Penulisan

Tanda_pengenal : array [..tipe index ..] of tipe data;

Contoh :

A : array[1..4] of integer;
B : array[1..5] of string;
C: array[1..10] of real;

Keterangnan :
A,B,C merupakan tanda pengenal/ nama variabel dari array;
1..4 : merupakan tipe indek dari array, yang menunjukan banyaknya data yang mampu disimpan.
Integer : menunjukan bahwa data yang diinput berupa bilangan bulat.

sumber materi :
Belajar Program Komputer


practice final exam 11-16

di modul ini sya dapet:

Max point : 73

earned point : 57
percentage : 80,3 %

soal dan jawaban lengkapnya
di sini

ini soalnya :

1. What are two characteristics of the IEEE 1284 parallel interface standard?
* The two available operative modes are EPP and ECP
* Bi-directional communication is allowed
2. The corporate security policy states that all remote connections use only secure tunnels for transport of data. Which encryption technique secures data traveling across the public Internet as if it were traveling across the corporate LAN?
3. What are two problems that are caused by setting an incorrect boot order in the system BIOS?
* The computer displays an "Invalid Boot Disk" error after POST
* The computer displays a "Missing NTLDR" error after POST
4. A call center technician receives a call from a customer who wishes to add more memory to a laptop to increase graphics performance. Which type of memory should be installed?
5. The production manager of a small company is experiencing slow performance in a laptop. What should a technician try first in order to correct the problem?
*Defragment the hard disk
6.Which safety precaution should an installer take when installing cable in the ceiling of a building?
* Wear thick gloves to minimize damage to the cable
7. Several messages sent to the network administrator are reporting that access to a secure server using HTTPS is failing. After checking recent updates to the company firewall, the administrator learns that the firewall is blocking HTTPS. Which port should be opened to solve the problem?
8. Which action should be taken first if a card key is lost or stolen?
*Disable the lost card key.
9. Engineers are designing a security scheme to allow only authorized persons to access the facilities of a national bank. Which security control measure provides the most secure solution for employee identification?
*biometric devices
10. Refer to the exhibit and consider the advertisement that is shown. Based on the advertisement, which statement is accurate regarding this motherboard?
*The Intel Core i7 processor supports a maximum bus speed of 1600MHz
11. A technician has been asked to connect a new scanner to a computer. Which interface provides the fastest transfer of data?
*USB 2.0
12. A technician has been asked to develop a physical topology for a network that provides a high level of redundancy. Which physical topology requires that every node is attached to every other node on the network
13. Which three ports should be left open to avoid filtering e-mail traffic?
14. What is the highest risk associated with improperly charged or mishandled batteries?
*The battery can explode.
15. A network administrator has been informed about a problem with the network printer. What is the most reliable way to prevent print jobs from being added to the queue while the printer is being repaired?
* Stop the print spooler
16. A Windows Vista computer does not display the thumbnail views of two windows that are currently minimized in the taskbar when the mouse pointer is placed over the appropriate tile on the taskbar. What is a possible solution to this problem?
* Enable the Graphics Options "Tray Icon" in the Taskbar and Menu Properties window
17. Which Startup type must be selected for a service that should run each time the computer is booted?
* automatic
18.The network manager decides to implement a simple security solution to the company WLANs. Which wireless security technique should the manager take to hide the WLAN id from any access point?
* Disable the broadcast of the SSID on the access point
19. When upgrading a CPU what must be applied between the new CPU and the heat sink/fan?
* thermal compound
20. A technician is trying to explain USB 1.1 and USB 2.0 to a user in terms of speed. The user is having problems comparing the two standards based on the values expressed in Mbps. Which explanation can the technician use that will best describe the relationship?
*USB 2.0 is forty times as fast as USB 1.1.
21. A technician is working on a laptop with a touchpad that fails to work. Which two actions can the technician take to try to repair the problem?
* Enable the touchpad in the system BIOS
* Ensure that the operating system has the correct driver for the touchpad
22. Which Windows hard drive partition is referred to as the C: drive?
* the first primary partition
23. A computer has been relocated and all the cables reconnected. When the computer is powered on, the correct POST audio signals are heard and the hard drive LED shows disk activity. However, the monitor fails to display anything. What are two possible causes of this problem?
* The monitor Power Scheme settings are incorrect.
* The monitor cable connector is loose or disconnected because the retaining screws are missing
24. A technician has installed a third party utility that is used to manage a Windows XP computer. However, the utility is unable to startup automatically whenever the computer is started. What can the technician do to resolve this problem?
*Change the startup type for the utility to Automatic in Services
25. Refer to the exhibit. What type of partition arrangement does this Windows XP computer have on its hard di
*3 logical, 1 extended, 1 free space, 1 primary
26. Which two hazards are related to fiber optic installations?
* glass splinters that can penetrate the skin
* risk of explosion when installed close to combustible substances
27. Which interface can transfer data at a maximum speed of 480 Mbps?
*USB 2.0
28. A company has a preventive maintenance policy that requires every computer have a new restore point created every six months. How can a technician create the restore point?
*Go to Start > All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore > Create a restore point
29. For a default installation of Windows XP Professional, which two settings are customizable?
*regional settings
30. Refer to the exhibit. Which utility has the IT department started on each computer?
* Defragment
31. Refer to the exhibit. The IT department requested a new set of memory chips to upgrade the old laptops. A picture of the memory chip required is attached to the purchase order so the correct item can be bought.
Which type of memory module is the IT department expecting to receive?
32. Which two characteristics describe a software firewall?
* It typically protects only the computer it is installed on.
* It uses the CPU in the host computer
33. Which feature is characteristic of the ntbackup command?
* It can be executed from a batch file.
34. Which recommendation should be observed when replacing existing memory?
* The new memory should be as fast or faster as the cache found in the processor.
35. Refer to the exhibit. Based on the information shown, which statement is true?
* The only PC allowed on the wireless network is the one with the MAC address 00:05:4E:49:64:87

practice final exam 1-10

Di modul ini nilai sya
Max Points: 101
Earned Points: 80
Percentage: 79.2%
tepatnya salah 11 soal , jadi tolong di cek lagi jangan di tiru smua.. ini cuma mau ngebantu posting soal.
soal jawaban lebih lengkap di sini
iini soalnya :

Maxx point :101
earn point : 80
percentages : 79.2%

1. Refer to the exhibit. What type of device is highlighted in white?

*touch pad

2. Refer to the exhibit. Which type of removable media is depicted?

*flash drive

3. A user is experiencing slow print rates when printing files that contain large complex graphics. What could be done to improve performance?

Change the printr cabling from paralel to serial

4. A technician has installed a new sound card in a PC but it is not operating correctly. Where should the technician look to investigate driver problems?

*Device manager

5. Which type of power connector is used to connect devices such as optical drives and hard drives?


6. A technician installed Windows XP on a 20 GB SCSI drive but when the computer is started a NTLDR error message is displayed. Based on this information which file was most likely corrupted during installation?


7. Which program checks for installed hardware during the Windows XP boot process?


8. Which Registry file contains information about all software that is installed on a Windows XP computer?


9. Which two security tasks should be included in a computer preventive maintenance plan?

* an update of spyware removal tools

* an update of antivirus scanner software

10. A customer is considering an inkjet printer to print batches of colored documents that will be immediately stacked and packaged for shipping. What advice should a technician give the customer?

* Immediately after printing, the ink is wet

11. A technician is repairing Windows XP and wants to keep all of the application settings in the operating system. The technician is using the Repair XP option and has rebooted the computer. A message appears on the screen stating "Press any key to boot from the CD or DVD." What should the technician do?

* The technician should ignore the message and allow XP to repair the operating system without deleting any of the applications

12. A technician has replaced a failing floppy drive. While testing the new drive, the technician notices that the floppy drive light remains lit constantly. What is most likely the cause of the problem?

* The ribbon cable is installed incorrectly

13. A student wishes to buy a computer suitable for game playing. What CPU speed would be appropriate for game playing?

*3 GHz

14. A customer requests advice about the type of storage device to use for 20 new computers. For which two conditions should SSDs be recommended as replacements for magnetic hard drives?

* external flash drives that are required to be connected by USB

* locations where redundant disks are required to appear as one logical disk to the operating system

15. A technician powers on a computer and opens a web page. A message that the web page could not be found appears. After checking the URL, the technician verifies that this is the problem that was reported by the computer owner. What would be the next step in the troubleshooting process for the technician

*Verify the computer IP address information

16. What characterizes a DDoS attack?

* Many hosts participate in a coordinated attack

17. Which two ports on a laptop allow connection or removal of external devices, such as hard drives or printers, without powering off the computer?



18. What are two functions of a VPN gateway?

*establish secure VPN connections

* manage VPN tunnels

19. At which TCP/IP model layer would a MAC address be found?

*network access

20. A technician wishes to boot a computer using a CD-ROM that contains a limited operating system and diagnostic utilities. Where would the technician set the boot order for the PC?


21. A customer wants to produce video recordings to sell to the public. Which two types of media should be used to accomplish this type of recording?

* DVD+/-R

* BD-R

22. A customer complains that a scanner has suddenly stopped producing clear images. Which preventive maintenance task has the customer most likely forgotten to do?

* visually inspect the scanner glass

23. A computer can access devices on the same network but can not access devices on other networks. What is the probable cause of this problem?

* The computer has an invalid default gateway address

24. What is the best way to fully ensure that data is unable to be recovered from a hard drive?

* formatting the drive

25. The current IP configuration of a small company is done manually and is time-consuming. Because of increased network growth, a technician needs a simpler way for IP configuration of workstations. Which service would simplify the workstation IP configuration task?


26. Which network device uses a MAC address table to segment the network?


27. Which type of standard interface allows users to connect and disconnect peripheral devices while the computer is running without having to restart?


28. A user believes that a data file on a Windows XP computer has been corrupted. Which utility can provide the best information about the data file?


29. A customer is experiencing repeated paper jams on a laser printer. Which quick solution might correct this problem?

*Power cycle the printer

30. When a Windows XP computer has completed the POST for each adapter card that has a BIOS, what is the next step during the boot sequence?

* BIOS reads the MBR

31. A customer is angry and calls to complain that the service scheduled on his computer took longer than expected. The technician reviews the work order and notices that the service was performed by a new employee. How should the technician respond?

*Listen to the complaint and then apologize for any inconvenience caused by the lengthy service on the computer

32. Refer to the exhibit. Which two port types are shown in the graphic?



33. Which power mode should be used by a laptop so that all the data is saved, all the applications the user was working on are left open, and there is no power used by the laptop?


34.When starting a computer, a customer can no longer select two of the operating systems that are installed. Which file may be corrupted and causing this error


35. The technician has been asked to upgrade the printer driver for an old printer. What is the best source for a new driver?

* manufacturer's website

36. A network specialist has been hired to install a network in a company that assembles airplane engines. Because of the nature of the business, the area is highly affected by electromagnetic noise. Which type of network media should be recommended?


37. In the event of a catastrophic system or hardware failure, which Windows XP utility provides a framework for saving and recovering the operating system?

*System Restore (SR)

38. What guideline should be followed when establishing a password security policy?

* An expiration period should be established so that passwords frequently change

39. A new application fails to install from a CD known to be virus-free and compatible with the operating system. What is a possible solution to this problem?

* Run the installation application under Windows XP compatibility mode.

40. A user cannot log in to the network with a computer that worked yesterday. Other computers on the same network are working fine. Which troubleshooting process would be most logical to try first?

* Use Device Manager to check for a resource conflict

41. A technician is explaining the differences between inkjet printers and laser printers to a customer. Which two comparisons should the technician make?

* Inkjet printers are less expensive than laser printers.

* The laser printer output is dry after printing, but an inkjet printer may still have wet ink on the paper after printing.

42. Which three tasks should a computer preventive maintenance plan contain?

* the defragmentation of the hard drive

* an update of antivirus and other protective software

* an evaluation of the methods for gathering information about problems and the solutions to be implemented

43. A call center technician is on a call with a customer when a colleague indicates that there is something to discuss. What should the technician do?

* Interrupt the customer and ask whether the customer would mind going on hold for a few minutes

44. What should always be done prior to replacing components that are not hot-swappable in a laptop?

* Unplug the laptop and remove the battery

45. Which protocol adds security to remote connections


46. A customer is upset and wants to speak to a specific technician to resolve a problem immediately. The requested technician is away from the office for the next hour. What is the best way to handle this call?

* Make an offer to help the customer immediately, and advise the customer that otherwise the requested technician will call the customer back within two hours.

47. A technician is designing a hardware preventive maintenance plan for a company. Which strategy should be included in the plan?

* Schedule and document routine maintenance tasks.

48. A technician is planning to convert a file system from FAT32 to NTFS. What step should be taken before doing the conversion?

Create a complete system backup.

49. A technician is troubleshooting a computer that is experiencing hardware failure detected by the BIOS. What is one way this failure is indicated?

* The computer emits a pattern of beeps indicating the failing device

50. A customer used the convert.exe utility to take advantage of NTFS security features. The customer later discovered that the application on the computer can only read FAT32 files. After the hard drive was formatted back to FAT32, the customer noticed all of the data files are missing. What should the customer do next?

* Restore the data files that were backed up in preparation for the conversion